January 1, 2025



1) Avoid Bamburi & Mtwapa Women otherwise you’ll not believe.

2) Buy Vegetables from Kongowea if you want to save your small salary.

3)Live in Likoni it’s cheaper than Bamburi and other outskirts of Mombasa.

4) Cross the ferry early , cross back late to avoid traffic.

5) First dates are at Mama Ngina or butterfly Pavillion.

6) Do not go down on Digo women. Utalishwa limbwata usahau kwenu kama ……🤭

7) Tuk Tuk Short distance fare is 50/= and be good at bargaining.

8) Matatu Short Distance fare is 30/= stage to stage

9) Tudor,kisauni & Bamburi javs have the highest number of phone thieves & pickpockets and small boys with pangas so stay safe and aware of your environment.

10) Mikindani is a great alternative to Likoni

11) Kumamaye is a greeting in Mvita. Get used to vulgar language.

12) Do not drink street water during the rainy season. Drink bottled water.

13) SGR to town is 200/=

14) Don’t argue with Swahili women you’ll never win.

15) Beware of taita women; they will break your upcountry heart 😂

16) Mbaazi and maharagwe is not the same thing.

17) Get used to pojo and wali; ndengu and mchele drop it at Voi.

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